MARK BAILEY kd4d at comcast.net
Wed Jan 23 10:32:39 EST 2019

Hi Ria:

I think something like the proposed WRTC-Style M/2 operation is the way to equalize the "access to big stations" factor in qualifying for WRTC.  This needs a lot of thought but I think should be considered for WRTC 2026.  One issue is that there has to be significant competition in this category - a category that is not supported by the contest sponsors - to ensure the reference score is meaningful.

The key to reducing the reliance on "big stations" is the antennas - I think the WRTC-Style M/2 should require a tribander or equivalent antenna at a relatively low height for 20-10 meters and single wires for 80/40.  I think it is unnecessary to require tents and generators - IMHO, what that may measures is, perhaps, dedication and perseverance, but that also makes it much harder to qualify.

Antennas are the key and what the "big stations" offer.

I also like the idea of encouraging teams to form early - or even having teams qualify rather than individuals.

I don't think this can be done a month before qualifying starts - participants need time to plan and prepare.  Looking at the draft rules for 2022, it was clear that this category would have been a major factor in qualifying from competitive areas, but it was impossible to do any planning at all without knowing the details.

This type of operation could be the only category for qualifying, but quite cut-throat because of the reliance on partners to qualify.


Mark, KD4D

> On January 22, 2019 at 8:54 PM "rjairam at gmail.com" <rjairam at gmail.com> wrote:
> You're going to get contesters who have access to big stations, and
> many of those will be great contesters. But there are many who are
> also great contesters at a considerable disadvantage because they
> don't have big stations nor access to them.
> So the wildcards and sponsored do help in that regard because they
> either take great contesters out of the mix by placing them and
> leaving the area slots open, or taking contesters who didn't otherwise
> qualify.
> Ria
> N2RJ
> On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 16:39, Trent Sampson <vk4ts at outlook.com> wrote:
> >
> > What are we trying to achieve with WRTC?
> >
> > Not 2022 but the future.
> >
> > If it is a contester get together with a feel-good outcome, then we just need a hotel with a bar.
> >
> > If we want to make it a challenge for the best of the best from all over the globe, then we need criteria that will achieve same.
> >
> > From Zone 33 to work into EU on 160M it is akin to shooting ducks in a barrel - from VK and ZL to work EU on 160 it is an achievement -even with large beverages low noise and big verticals it is hard work.
> >
> > Do we need to follow the IARU model, noting it is the IARU Contest it is based on and determine a selection criterion based on the IARU member societies and allow qualification nomination to come from the societies?
> >
> > What benefit is there of allowing Youth contesters? It makes us feel good - but frankly what is the point of allowing a soft goal to youth? What is the point of Wild Cards?
> >
> > The Olympics has a separate competition for Youth - maybe we could follow in 2026 or even a separate competition for the disabled.
> >
> > It needs to start now so that the criteria is well established before the end of the 2022 event but change does need to happen.
> >
> > Will be interested in the feedback
> >
> > 73
> >
> > Trent VK4TS
> >
> >
> >
> >
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