[CQ-Contest] Update to 3830 Score Submission Form

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Sat Mar 2 14:45:15 EST 2019


I've updated the score submission form on 3830scores.com. Although the only change for most contests is a rearrangement of the form layout, a major change has been implemented for selected contests, such as this weekend's ARRL DX SSB.

Rather than the historical approach of listing categories that pretty much match the contest sponsor's categories, the form for DX SSB has a series of category selectors that are based on the Cabrillo log spec's categories. The advantage of this approach for a contest like ARRL DX is that it allows the entrant to better describe their operation. For example, a participant may have operated as single band assisted, but the ARRL doesn't recognize that category and lumps all assisted operations into all band. Similarly, some operate low or QRP power in single band unassisted, but the ARRL doesn't recognize different power levels for single band operations.

The form processing automatically converts the Cabrillo categories into the sponsor's defined categories and both are shown in the details of a posted score. The score summaries web pages will be updated over the next day or so to allow selection of either sponsor categories or Cabrillo categories when displaying tabular results.

Please send me any questions/comments/suggestions. Thanks.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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