[CQ-Contest] NCCC Sprint

Tom Small k4nmr1 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 15:20:49 EDT 2019

I am attempting to set up the F-Keys in my N1MM logger for tonights
Sprintns and am struggling to understand the module and how to get it to
work properly in the CW only mode..  If someone could help me out by
sending via email an N1MM logger F-key template for the F1 thru F10 Sprint
setup I would greatly appreciate it..  This will be my first Sprint ever
should I be able to get setup by the 0230Z start time this evening..

I can also be reached by cell at 407 252 9680 should that be a more
expeditious media..

Thank you in advance..

*DE K4NMR 73's*



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