[CQ-Contest] CQWW is a Great Contest - YES IT IS!

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Wed Dec 2 20:47:55 EST 2020

The west coast isn't all that bad if you pick the right category. See 
results below for 40 meter single band in 2019. W7WA and other west 
coast stations have regularly won this category on SSB and sometimes on 
CW going back many years. You're probably not going to win SOAB from the 
west coast but a single band effort on 40 meters and up when the 
conditions are right is very doable.

Jeff KU8E

*2019 CQWW DX SSB*

*Rank* 	*Call* 	*Cty* 	*Category* 	*Score* 	*QSOs* 	*Zn* 	*Cty* 	*Hours* 
	*Operator(s)* 	*Cert*
1 	W7WA 	W7 	SO HIGH 40M 	250,614 	818 	32 	87 	31.3 		
2 	K4MM 	W4 	SA HIGH 40M 	60,375 	203 	26 	89 	16.3 		
3 	AB7E 	W7 	SO HIGH 40M 	37,497 	277 	26 	61 	11.1 		
4 	KT4ZB 	W4 	SA LOW 40M 	36,378 	164 	19 	67 	15.2

*2019 CQWW DX CW*

1 	W7WA 	W7 	SO HIGH 40M 	453,887 	1,048 	37 	120 	39.6 		
2 	K7NJ 	W7 	SA HIGH 40M 	424,377 	868 	39 	144 	33.7 		
3 	K7BV 	W4 	SO HIGH 40M 	411,417 	1,077 	33 	120 	22.4 		
4 	N6CW 	W7 	SO HIGH 40M 	381,760 	908 	37 	123 	34.4 		
5 	W3YY 	W4 	SA HIGH 40M 	332,010 	703 	36 	134 	18.3 	

On 12/2/2020 04:17 PM, Douglas Zwiebel wrote:
> Well, JB says he is bored on the west coast.
> That it is only GREAT if you happen to be close to the Atlantic basin.
> All you have to do is look at the annual stats for the number of entrants
> to know that CQWW is a GREAT contest and exactly because it is a worldwide
> contest.
> Seehttps://www.cqww.com/stats.htm
> Timed for "best conditions" of the year.
> Over 8,000 logs received each on cw and ssb.
> DXCC assured every contest, even for QRPers
> Over 3,000,000 QSOs per contest weekend
> WAZ in a weekend often possible
> >From a world perspective, it IS a great contest.
> Maybe from your geocentric perspective it isn't.
> That's OK. There is room for everybody.
> And if you are motivated, take a look at the USA winners from a few decades
> ago.
> JA used to be a huge population center for contesting.
> East coast USA guys used to worry.
> The West Coast has endless JAs to work and they only need to work 1 QSO per
> EUR country.
> The JA's are so well behaved, you can have huge runs.  The West coast is
> like heaven.
> Times have changed.  No reason for CQWW to change.  Times will change again.
> de Doug KR2Q
> 1983 AI6V SO HP ALL 3,576,528  2,947  139  296
> 1982 W1ZM SO HP ALL 3,182,460  1,790  150  470
> 1981 K1AR SO HP ALL 3,554,880  2,194  140  420
> 1980 K7RI SO HP ALL 2,972,846  2,674  127  256
> 1979 N7DD SO HP ALL 3,113,788  2,206  147  346
> 1978 W4DR SO HP ALL 2,727,108  1,842  127  386
> 1977 W3WJD SO HP ALL 2,377,560  1,713  128  357
> 1976 W1ZM SO HP ALL 1,885,050  1,470  106  344
> 1975 W7RM SO HP ALL 2,208,980  2,095  115  250
> 1974 W6RR SO HP ALL 1,346,880  1,304  108  260
> 1973 K6AHV SO HP ALL 1,635,039  1,537  125  244
> 1972 W6RR SO HP ALL 2,350,964  1,820  134  315
> 1971 W2PV SO HP ALL 1,355,360  116  116  314
> 1970 W6RR SO HP ALL 1,837,620  1,561  130  285
> 1969 K1KTH SO HP ALL 1,523,820  1,122  138  328
> 1968 W2PV SO HP ALL 1,314,403  1,107  114  305
> 1967 W4AXE SO HP ALL 1,301,776  1,094  127  286
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