[CQ-Contest] CQWW is an unfair Contest -- A solutiion!

Yuri VE3XB ve3xb at rogers.com
Fri Dec 4 11:36:00 EST 2020


Do "they" need to do something about one of your favorites CWopsT contest?
With N1MM call history "ON" you just type call-sign, hit space and correspondent's name and membership number are there already.

Let's not to ruin CQWW, the most popular contest by tearing it apart in attempt to satisfy everyone.

73 Yuri VE3XB

N4ZR wrote:

They still need to do something about the CQWW exchange. With zones, 
it's just a callsign-copying contest.  I'm for serial numbers.

73, Pete N4ZR
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