[CQ-Contest] CQWW is an unfair Contest -- A solutiion!

NickL nick.ve3ey at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 13:00:43 EST 2020


There is something for everyone in CQ WW the way it is today.  

Sounds like a need for an all band WW Stew Perry contest with 4 digit
grid exchange and QRB distance for points instead of 1-2-3 points we use

We can still use countries and zones for multipliers (not grids).    The
only problem is who would take upon the ungrateful job of managing it. 

Nick VE3EY


/Let's not to ruin CQWW, the most popular contest by tearing it apart in
attempt to satisfy everyone./

On 2020-12-04 11:36 a.m., Yuri VE3XB wrote:
> Let's not to ruin CQWW, the most popular contest by tearing it apart in attempt to satisfy everyone.

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