[CQ-Contest] CQWW is unfair....enough already

Douglas Zwiebel dougzzz at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 17:52:42 EST 2020

"Those who make the rules tailor them to benefit themselves."

Although the above quote was in reference to IARU, it has also been tagged
to the CQWW by the same author.

The truth is, apparently, the predecessor of the CQWW (R/9 magazine) was
designed/constructed by W6QD. And after R9, it was still QD who did the
stuff.  Not exactly an east coast guy.

The "East Coast" was brought in, along with the West Coast, for log
checking purposes, not to create rules.

Please see https://www.cqww.com/history.htm

And with respect to WPX, yes the WPX was originally a "phone" contest...cw
later.  Why?  I have been told, many decades ago, that the WPX contest was
implemented in order to encourage hams to migrate to SSB.

de Doug KR2Q

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