[CQ-Contest] 15m Yagi question

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Sat Dec 12 08:43:19 EST 2020

I had a similar experience with the copper-based “butter it’s not” anti-corrosion grease.

Got some on a shirt I liked. No amount of laundering could remove the stain.

I’ve had good luck with No-Al-Ox, and it doesn’t permanently stain anything.

> On Dec 12, 2020, at 5:27 AM, kdutson at sbcglobal.net wrote:
> Yes, copper has become quite popular.  A friend used it on his Hustler
> vertical and asked me to help him put it together and erect in the back
> yard.  It was cool and breezy that day so I wore a black wind breaker
> jacket.  Unfortunately, some of the copper lube got deposited on my jacket.
> So far, I have found nothing that will clean that jacket.
> I have used both Penetrox and Aluminox with success.  I will likely stay
> with those lubes, as I find joints are easily maintained over decades of
> outdoor installations.
> 73, Keith NM5G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+kdutson=sbcglobal.net at contesting.com>
> On Behalf Of john at kk9a.com
> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:26 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] 15m Yagi question
> At least one of the big US M/M stations uses copper grease. After seeing the
> tremendous antenna corrosion in Aruba between stainless steel and aluminum I
> have become more cautious about using dissimilar metals in any environment.
> Copper is a little closer to aluminum on the galvanic table than stainless
> steel is and perhaps the grease keeps the water (electrolyte) out so it is
> effective but I do not use it.
> John KK9A  aka P40A
> Jukka Klemola OH6LI wrote:
> Note !
> Any grease with copper powder .. not recommended for Aluminum to Aluminum
> connections.
> 73,
> Jukka OH6LI
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Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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