[CQ-Contest] CT .bin file?

mike stokes mike9v at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 21:55:25 EST 2020


73 Mike

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 9:48 PM Gary K9GS <k9gs at gjschwartz.com> wrote:

> I asked on the N1MM reflector but this may be a better place to ask.This
> is going back a ways.
> I have a bunch of CT .bin files from about 1995.
> Does anyone know of a way to convert these to ADIF?
> I no longer have a DOS PC nor a way to run CT.  These are on floppy disks
> which presents another problem but I'm working on a way to fix that.
>  73,Gary K9GS
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Mike Stokes

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