[CQ-Contest] RAC + 9A

K9MA k9ma at sdellington.us
Mon Dec 21 00:26:26 EST 2020

Even if the sponsors don't require both stations to submit logs for a 
contact to count, it seems NIL penalties would be likely. For example, 
if you log a station in your RAC log, the other op logs it in the 9A 
log, yet sends in an RAC log, you will get a NIL penalty. Likewise, if 
you send in your 9A log, the other op will get the penalty. I didn't 
think of it at the time, but maybe including "RAC" or "9A" in the 
exchange would clear things up a bit.

I found it particularly frustrating when ops were just calling "CQ 
TEST". Which TEST?

Is there a way to have two logs open in N1MM+, or does that require 
another computer?

Scott K9MA

On 12/20/2020 8:03 PM, John Laney wrote:
> A lot of the European and especially eastern European contests give 
> credit for QSOs only if both stations send in a log.  I was concerned 
> that I may have wrongly decided which contest one or two stations were 
> in this weekend and may have cost them a lost QSO or penalty.  I kept 
> two separate logs, but it wasn't easy if a station called me after I 
> sent CQ RAC or if I called a TEST station who didn't say which contest 
> he was in.  Generally, on Saturday when the contests overlapped, I had 
> to assume that an European and particularly an eastern European 
> station was in the 9A contest if I was calling him.  If he called me 
> after I called CQ RAC and he was really in the 9A contest, I guess he 
> assumed to risk.  73, John, K4BAI.
> On 12/19/2020 8:02 PM, Dan Violette wrote:
>> I suspect if you do not turn in an RAC log they will be uniques at 
>> worst.  You being in more than one log submitted they won't even be 
>> that.  They will be counted as good QSOs (which they actually were).
>> Dan KI6X
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CQ-Contest 
>> <cq-contest-bounces+danki6x=socal.rr.com at contesting.com> On Behalf Of 
>> Steve Bookout
>> Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2020 3:37 PM
>> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] RAC + 9A
>> Scott,
>> I was in the 9A contest on/off today.  I specifically set my CQ 
>> message to '9A test NR4M NR4M' to dissuade people in the RAC from 
>> calling me. After the 3rd VE, I just entered '001' instead of 'ON', 
>> 'SK' or whatever.  N1MM didn't like what they sent and I didn't feel 
>> like arguing with them.
>> Then, I changed my 'TU' message to 'TU NR4M 9A TEST', and still got 
>> RAC contestants.  There were also US stations sending me serial 
>> numbers of
>> 300 plus.  Find that hard to believe that were in the 9A contest.  
>> I'm quite sure these were people just clicking on spots and didn't 
>> have the ability to actually copy what I was sending.
>> There surely will be a bunch of NIL's.
>> 73 de Steve, NR4M
>> On 12/19/2020 5:30 PM, K9MA wrote:
>>> It's too bad these contests overlap, and that the exchanges are so
>>> similar. Not all those calling CQ specify which one they are in. There
>>> surely will be a lot of NIL penalties.
>>> 73,
>>> Scott K9MA
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Scott  K9MA

k9ma at sdellington.us

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