[CQ-Contest] RTTY RU Practice sessions ??????

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 14:03:05 EST 2020

I'm working on it, stay tuned - jeff wk6i

On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 10:37 AM Dave K2XR via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> Round up practice sessions.
> Last years post
> http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/cq-contest/2019-December/123686.html
> Have not seen any such announcement for this year.   If it is posted
> somewhere please forward a link to me or repost it here.
> If not does anyone know if such sessions will be held ?   I have helped
> a few get ready and would like to be able to inform them.
> Thanks in advance.
>      Dave  K2XR
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/

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