[CQ-Contest] 3 and 4 letter contesting callsigns
mirko.s57ad at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 15:21:18 EST 2020
recently, I was years long user of TRLOG by N6TR and get used to ESM
routine. I set Auto Send Threshold to 4th character, so if I entered E7DX,
TRLOG starts to send his call, followed by RST & contest exchange after I
entered X. Problem could be very long calls, for example HB0/DL1IAO/P for
program started to send the call after I entered HB0/ and had to be pretty
fast typing in the rest of the call. But, TRLOG had another nice feature -
you could enter corrected call into exchange field and it would be send
with QSL message, e.g. "HB0/DL1IAO/P TU S57AD"... I miss that feature
with N1MM Logger, tho'. But, Logger is even more fancy, I set Autosend
Threshold to 2, so it starts sending the call when I entered the second
letter from the suffix. W3LP (starts to send), just need to press L before
program finishes typing the call and starts to send exchange. Still better,
if I start entering portable call (namely, if the cal contains slash before
the second letter of the suffix), it will start sending after I enter, say,
HB0/DL1IA, so i have enough time to fill the rest of the call before
program starts to send exchange. Just in case of 1x1 or 2x1 (or 1x2) calls
I have to press Enter to send the call and exchange. Problem is just with
QRS stations with long callsigns (2x3) if they send their callsign twice
(and I already entered the last letter from their call), so I have to press
Esc and then press again F5 + F2 keys...
73 Mirko, S57AD
V V tor., 18. feb. 2020 ob 20:18 je oseba Mike Smith VE9AA <
ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> napisala:
> Frank is spot on and that's exactly how I do it most of the time. Since I
> am
> a relatively slow typer, this works in my favour.
> E7DX calls in..I type E7D <enter> and then X.
> With only the T/R delay and no pauses, E7DX hears 'E7DX 5NN NB' and doesn't
> know I am typing slightly behind.
> If it's a call I am pretty sure I know even before he sends it all, I might
> type
> at the exact same speed as he's sending it and not need to type slightly
> behind.
> The one thing that can get you into a wee bit of trouble is if you typo his
> call.
> Let's use a different longer call we all know.
> DL1IAO calls in. I type DL2I<enter>AO.then correct the call on the fly
> and
> then hit F5 (his call)
> Here's what he hears
> About 50-60% of the time, the station gets it(understands what I've just
> done), but about 40-50% of the time they are not paying attention or there
> is QRM they'll correct their call again and wait or just send their call a
> couple times, then give me the report. You can't winnim' all!
> The question of the day is..if you are calling someone who is loud and they
> are sending fast, with a smooth cadence (ie: not waiting an eternity to
> reply to the pileup) and you have a short 3 letter or 4 letter call.WHY ARE
> YOU SENDING IT TWICE (or more_)?
> Mike VE9AA
> Hey Scott.
> That's not the optimum way to enter calls into a logging program.
> You should never feel like you're frantically typing to complete
> typing his full call before you initiate your logging program's reply
> to his answer to your CQ.
> Its much easier if you train yourself to always begin your reply
> transmission
> reply immediately after the caller stops transmitting. Then you enter
> the last letter or two of his call while your computer is sending but
> -- of course -- you must complete entry of his call before your logging
> program completes sending his call.
> Its an easy skill to learn, and its a lot less frantic!
> 73
> Frank
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
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Mirko S57AD
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