[CQ-Contest] New Mult for SS.

DXer hfdxmonitor at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 14:03:49 EST 2020

Very well stated, Paul.

I'm on the record as a QRP aficionado, but also as the guy that pours 
some cold water on QRPers to remind them the other station does most of 
the 'heavy lifting'.

Improving one's RX is not trivial, but very rewarding. The main 
beneficiary is you, not the other guy (sorry, Jim). LOL

73 de Vince, VA3VF

Nonsense.  You don't improve your station so Jim can get another multiplier
(sorry, Jim).

You do it because you want to win.  If you can work W6 QRP stations you will
have more QSOs than guys who can't.  The same ability will probably help get
Pacific multipliers too.

You do it for fun.  Working lots of guys is more fun than working fewer

You do it for the technical challenge.  You analyze and design your station
be as good as possible.

     Paul, K1XM

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