[CQ-Contest] [yccc] W1QJ - King Conversions to 6M - and a recent repair story....

Bob Wilson radio.n4xu at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 08:14:52 EDT 2020

I'll second Jeff's comments, Lou is the best, and not just for 6M amps!
I've known him since the days when he was WA1GSO. Once I get settled from
moving, my Titan 425E will be paying Lou a visit.

73, Bob N4XU

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 7:10 AM k1zm at aol.com via groups.io <K1ZM=
aol.com at groups.io> wrote:

> Hi Gang
> As many of you know, this summer has been a great year to be on 6M E
> season working Dx all over the world.  At times the band has sounded like
> 20m into Europe.
> Just in case you did not know it already and if you happened to want a 6M
> amplifier to be able to join the fun, you might want to check out King
> Conversions of Danbury, CT run by W1QJ Lou Parascondola.  For years now Lou
> has been converting many kinds of amps into single band 6 meters only amps
> and he offers a reliable and great service also.  Amps include SB200,
> SB220/SB221, NCL 2000 and many more. Lou is known as the "QRO KING" of 6m
> these days with good reason......
> You can:
> 1) Send Lou an amp and he will convert it for you
> OR
> 2) You can see what Lou currently has available off the shelf and perhaps
> he will have something right away that you need.
> I have been using Lou for years now and I can highly recommend him and his
> work as it is first rate!
> Lastly I must share a true story from this weekend that will demonstrate
> why l am recommending Lou and his service with this email..
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> I had my modified SB220  6M amp fail at the start of E season recently and
> at first Lou sent me parts to try to fix it DIY style.  I installed the
> parts but it turned out (unbeknownst to me) that the real problem was that
> the POWER XFMR had developed a primary to secondary short so my attempt to
> fix the amp myself of course did not work.
> It happened I was coming down from Canada on Wed of this week for some
> medical appointments and also delivering some things to my daughter who had
> just bought a home in PHILA, PA.  I called Lou and asked if I could drop
> off the amp on Saturday morning on my way to PHILLY so he could see what
> was really wrong with the SB220.  Lou got the amp at 11:30AM this past
> Saturday and called me about 2 hours later in PHILLY to tell me the power
> xfmr was shorted.  He also had called a friend K2XT who had a junker amp on
> hand and if I was willing to stop by near Great Adventure Park in NJ on the
> way home I could get the amp with a replacement xfmr and if I could stop by
> again on SUNDAY on the way home to CAPE COD, he could swap the xfmrs while
> I waited.  This prompt fix meant that I would be all set to take this amp
> back to CANADA with me when we go back to VY2ZM next week.
> I got back to Danbury yesterday Sunday at 12:30PM and while Miriam and I
> had lunch Lou put the spare xfmr back in the amp and with less than 40w
> drive it is again putting out a KW+ on 6M.
> So that's the story and it is this kind of service that is rare these days.
> So if anyone wants to get on 6m with an amp - Lou is your guy - for sure.
> You can learn more about him by checking out his QRZ page - W1QJ on
> qrz.com
> 73 and thanks for the bandwidth.
> Jeff BriggsDXing on the Edge: The Thrill of 160 Meters Available worldwide
> through BookBaby, Array Solutions, DX Engineering, Radio Society of Great
> Britain, & Amazon
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