[CQ-Contest] [QSOParty] Ohio QSO Party Changes for 2020

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Jun 23 14:58:43 EDT 2020

Stan  -
The full (new) rule reads:
"Stations and equipment may be used with multiple callsigns during the contest. The intent is to provide more potential QSOs for all. It is not to allow multiple QSOs to inflate the scores of friends. If determined that such is happening, those QSOs may be disallowed in the log checking process."

I don't conceive of somebody calling K4SBZ  with "This is K8AAA and W8BBB" and then sending "59 Cuyahoga" and expecting two QSOs to have happened. 

If K8AAA calls K4SBZ and works him, and then W8BBB calls K4SBZ and works him, I don't see a huge problem.

In practice, had K8AAA gone out of his way to work K4SBZ a second time as W8BBB, I doubt it would have been noticed under the previous rules. It would have appeared only as a unique, or nearly unique QSO, and not raised flags.

Over the years I have had a modest number of QSOs with W4YWX when out mobile. Every one of them was right after a QSO with N4PN.  I don't think these ever had any impact on the competition.

We did make one other rule change which I did not announce. We dropped the part of the log submission rule that allowed for logs to be submitted on 3.5" IBM formatted disks.  It has been several years since we received one of these   :-)

73  -  Jim   K8MR

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan at gmail.com>
To: Qsoparty <QSOParty at groups.io>
Cc: n8sy at arrl.org <n8sy at arrl.org>; ohqp-mail at ohqp.org <ohqp-mail at ohqp.org>; mrrc at groups.io <mrrc at groups.io>; cq-contest at contesting.com <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 23, 2020 1:18 pm
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] [QSOParty] Ohio QSO Party Changes for 2020


Good ideas.

I would suggest stating that for the two calls / one station concept, the
two calls can't be used in the same QSO. They must be separate QSOs.
Otherwise, someone could say we are K8AAA and W8BBB, giving two Qs for one

Stan, K4SBZ

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 10:44 AM Jim Stahl via groups.io <jimk8mr=
aol.com at groups.io> wrote:

> We're making several changes for the 2020 Ohio QSO Party:
> 1. We're adding 160 meters. Based on 160 meter activity in other QSO
> Parties I don't expect this to make a huge difference, but it should
> provide an opportunity for some "fresh meat" QSOs when things get slow late
> on Saturday night.
> 2. We're dropping the "One station/one call" rule. So you can also use a
> club call or other call for an additional entry, to enjoy being a new
> station while making more QSOs possible for others. This is intended to
> allow more potential QSOs for everybody, not as a way to inflate scores of
> friends.
> We hope you all will join us for the 2020 OhQP on Saturday, August 22,
> from noon to midnight EDT (1600z - 0400z) !
> 73  -  Jim  K8MR
> OhQP Chairman
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