[CQ-Contest] Cut numbers and V47T SSB recordings

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 18:02:51 EDT 2020

W3LPL: "Properly pronounced and with emphasis on the correct syllable , the
ICAO phonetic alphabet words are almost always the best choice" <snip>

Usually Frank's advice is spot on.  However, in this case I think "almost
always" applies only to stations that the DX can hear.  To wit, I quote my
article "Highly Motivated Tourists: VE4EA and K3KU in the ARRL DX SSB
2015", published (inter alia) in NCJ for September/October 2015.

Cary and I operated Saturday night at my house; 100W and a dipole:

"With my little signal, some of the DX had trouble copying 5-9 Mike Delta.
'Was that Mike Alpha?' So we tried Mexico Denmark. 'Was that New Mexico?'
Oops, that’s not so good, either. I realized that the best solution for
small signals was to stick to CW."

Sunday morning we QSYed to W3LPL:

"We go into the shack. On the left side of the large room, the three
low-band stations, each with two transceivers and computers, are alive but
inactive, the operators asleep in the adjoining dormitory room or wandering
about, eating whatever meal their body thinks is timely. On our right, the
three high bands are running Europe. On 10, KE3X and K3AJ. On 15, HB9OCR
(Marco) and N3RR And on 20, K4ZA and W3LPL himself, temping for K3RA. Some
quick introductions, and we gravitate to the 15 meter station. It’s placed
between the other two, and it has a little more room — and Marco is running
people in about five languages! (Funny. Nobody has trouble copying 5-9 Mike
Delta from W3LPL.)"


73, Art K3KU

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