[CQ-Contest] Help with CW

Peter Chamalian w1rm at comcast.net
Mon May 4 11:31:23 EDT 2020

Now that we are almost finished with the contest season, it's a great time
for those who might otherwise struggle with CW to get some help.  Summer
will be a perfect time to get your CW cooking in time for the fall contest


1.      The CWops CW Academy (CWA) offers free classes at 4 different levels
- beginner (I don't know the code), intermediate (I know the code but my
speed is low) and advanced (I'm trying to get to 25 wpm).  Take a look and
sign up.  All classes are free and done remotely using zoom or some other
software so you don't have to leave the house.


2.      The weekly CWT offers a wonderful one-hour fun contest every
Wednesday at 13z, 19z and Thursday at 03z.  The exchange is your name and
CWops membership number or name and state if you aren't a member.  N1MM logs
it too.  We have a wide range of operating and speeds so don't worry about
that.  It's a great shot in the arm to get your CW going.



Pete, W1RM

W1RM at Comcast.net


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