[CQ-Contest] Russian Beats Out Canada for Magnetic North ... For Now

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu May 7 12:05:16 EDT 2020

That sounds like a good plan, Rich, we could be due for this magnetic pole
change.  The reversal pattern was every 200,00 to 300,000 years and it has
now been 780,000 years since it last occurred.

John KK9A
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy 7 edge, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 11:47 AM Richard Smith <n6kt1 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Does that mean I should design my antennas for low F/B ratio? (hi hi)
> 73, Rich, N6KT,  PJ4K
> On Thursday, May 7, 2020, 07:25:11 AM PDT, <john at kk9a.com> wrote:
> Eventually the earth's magnetic poles will flip and you will be
> beaming backwards using the compass alignment method.
> John KK9A
> David Siddall K3ZJ wrote:
> Good thing HF antennas generally have relatively wide beam width if you use
> a compass to orient without correcting for deviation.
> This also has a subtle effect on propagation paths through the polar areas,
> depending upon your location.
> https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-52550973
> 73, Dave K3ZJ
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