[CQ-Contest] 7th area QSO party participation

Dick Frey k4xu at bendcable.com
Sun May 10 17:01:46 EDT 2020

Despite Corona virus or because of it, participation in this year's 7QP 
has exceeded all previous years. We were a bit low on total counties 
because of social distancing and fewer mobiles.

If you operated on the May 2nd weekend and have not sent in your log 
yet, please do so. The deadlines are approaching!
Generate your Cabrillo log and send it to --

7QP:  7qplogs at codxc.org
NewE QP:  logs at neqp.org
DE QP:  qsoparty at gmail.com
IN QP:  inqp at hdxcc.org


Dick Frey, K4XU
7QP manager

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