[CQ-Contest] 2020 WW Digi DX Contest

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Mon May 25 00:01:08 EDT 2020

In three months the 2020 World Wide contest season is kicked off with the 2nd annual WW Digi DX Contest on 29-30 August.  This is followed by the three CQ World Wide contests (RTTY, SSB and CW) also on the last full weekend of the following three months.


The website <http://www.ww-digi.com/>  has been updated.  There are only minor changes in the rules <http://www.ww-digi.com/rules.htm> , notably the dates and the NIL penalty.  However, the Operating Tips <http://www.ww-digi.com/operating.htm>  have been extensively expanded.  I encourage you to explore these resources as you prepare for this year’s event.


There will be a separate announcement about the plaque program and closer to contest time we will announce some practice sessions.




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