[CQ-Contest] ARRL contesters, error on mults page

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Wed Nov 4 20:22:03 EST 2020

Any of you guys and gals playing in ARRL contests that don't have all the
provinces/prefixes memorized, please

note that


then specifically the VE ones at:



That NS (VE1) and NB (VE9) are reversed on the link noted above..sigh


For the sake of the 1 or 2 remaining ARRL contests that use RAC sections
(instead of Provinces), NS(VE1) and NB(VE9) are still "MAR" this weekend
and PEI (VY2) is "PE"


CU (all of sudden) in the next one..but not this coming weekend ! ;-)


Mike VE9AA "New Brunswick" (NB)




Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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