[CQ-Contest] Released Rules for CQ WW WPX SSB / CW

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 15:12:25 EST 2020


"My mind is made up. I'm in charge. You can all shut up, now."

A very disappointing response from a respected contester.

Steve, N2IC

On 11/19/2020 07:26 PM, Bud Trench wrote:
> Thank you all for your inputs.  I have my convictions on the rule changes and I own them.  I have provided the rationale in a fully transparent manner.  I believe the revised rule are in the long term best interest of WPX and stand by them.
> Lastly, the sentiments provided below are FAR from universal.
> Regards,
> Bud Trench, AA3B

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