[CQ-Contest] I'll take Please Copy over silence any day

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 16:48:38 EST 2020

Q: What is Fun?
A: QSO is Fun.

Q: What is more Fun?
A More QSOs is more Fun.

Jukka OH6LI

ke 25. marrask. 2020 klo 22.38 Steve Dyer W1SRD via CQ-Contest (
cq-contest at contesting.com) kirjoitti:

> +1 Right on John.
> The only bad QSO is the one I didn't make.
> 73,
> Steve
> > One alternative:
> > "CQ Sweepstakes Kay 3 Tango Norway Sweepstakes" - silence
> > Instead of silence, we observe  the evolution from:
> > "Thanks for 311 Sierra, please copy..."
> > to for some
> > "K3TN, please copy...
> > to for some more
> > "K3TN, number 123 Alpha..."
> > to
> > "Number 123 Alpha..."
> > to a few who reach
> > "123 Alpha..."
> > I'll take listening through Thanks for/Please Copy to hearing receiver
> static any time!
> > John K3TN
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