[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX Contest Multioperator Station Guidelines (by the numbers)

Douglas Zwiebel dougzzz at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 06:09:03 EDT 2020

As a CQWW Contest Committee member "forever" and being a "numbers guy, here
is my approach to what little information we have read about here.

And I'm an ARRL member since 1966, except for 1 year.  And I am not a
life-member, so I have paid the "full load" for all those years to help
financially support ARRL.

I looked at the ARRL DX contest results for CW in 2019 and found:

For M/M
18 entries, 4 of which were from EU

For MS
Top 25, 7 are from EU
For "all entries" with a score over 1.0M,  40 entries, 14 from EU

For M2x
Top 25, 4 are from EU
For "all entries" with a score over 1.0M, 30 entries, 5 from EU

To not consult the CAC, nor the contesting membership seems like something
sub-rosa happened here...or just something not clearly thought out (to be

Why ARRL would feel the need to take such action to "protect" some folks
from covid suggests that some people can't think for themselves.

Did the ARRL mandate that local "hamfests" be canceled?  No, they just were
canceled, by those at the local level.  People know how they want to
respond to SARS Co-V 2...and they do.  I don't feel that anyone needs any
paternalistic actions from ARRL with respect to potential health issues.

de Doug KR2Q

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