[CQ-Contest] W3LPL and K3LR in CQWW 2020

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Mon Sep 14 15:49:35 EDT 2020


I know for Bonaire they won't let anyone in who holds a US passport in 
PERIOD. For an American It would be a waste of time to go to either the 
Netherlands or Aruba for two weeks beforehand to quarantine. Yesterday 
they had their first COVID-19 death in Bonaire. 
Knowing how cautious they are down there they will probably tighten up 
the rules even more they what they're doing now.

I know they have remote capability at PJ2T. I think the rules for remote 
operation in Curacao are stricter than they are in Bonaire because they 
have to have someone physically on-site at the station. This isn't 
required when someone operates PJ4A remotely. I guess if they had one of 
the locals hams go over to the station they could probably have someone 
do a single-operator or a one radio multi-single.


On 9/14/2020 02:29 PM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
> It is not even possible for U.S. ops to join the PJ2T team. Travelers 
> who have been physically present in the United States within the past 
> 14 days are not allowed to enter Curacao, except for legal residents 
> of Curacao with specific permission from the Curacao government.  The 
> only ABC island currently open to U.S. tourists is Aruba.
> John KK9A - P40A
> Mark - N5OT wrote:
> The Caribbean Contesting Consortium has made a similar determination for
> PJ2T.  At this point, no telling who can get down there and what will
> happen as a result.
> I will operate from home with my trusty vertical.  Perhaps ...
> verticals.  Maybe I can get up a beam....!
> It's the CQ Worldwide, man.
> 73 - Mark N5OT
> President, Caribbean Contesting Consortium
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