[CQ-Contest] Doctor DX clone (if you never used it, you just don't "get it")

David Gilbert ab7echo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 19:15:40 EDT 2020

I don't understand why somebody couldn't come up with essentially the 
same thing for a current operating system.  I never owned a C-64, but as 
primitive as it was by today's standards replication of Doctor DX would 
seem possible if there were enough people interested in it.  I suspect 
that the issue is that there isn't.

Does anyone have a comprehensive description of what it was capable of 
and how it worked?

Dave  AB7E

On 9/29/2020 12:08 PM, Douglas Zwiebel wrote:
> Dr Dx was like sitting down at a real radio and actually tuning the bands
> during a contest and working guys.  Other have explained this here, but
> seems that the "alternatives" being offered are not just miles, but light
> years off the mark.
> If you never sat in front of Dr. DX, you will never appreciate what
> everyone else is talking about.
> It was way ahead of it's time (at least compared to what is out there now).
> de Doug KR2Q
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