[CQ-Contest] Poisson d’Avril scoring

JamesDuffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Sun Apr 4 12:38:47 EDT 2021

Well, I like this scoring. I made zero QSOs, for a total of 1/0 = ∞  for an infinite score. Which by the definition cannot be counted, so it wins by default.

I did submit my score on a 5 inch floppy, is that rule still in effect? I sent an 8 inch floppy with my score on it as a backup just in case.

James Duffey KK6MC
Cedar Crest NM

> On Apr 4, 2021, at 10:00, cq-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:
> Oh...so sorry...you didn't realize that each additional QSO *reduces* your
> score so you have a final total of 1/2,287,039,329 =
> 0.00000000043724652537.  Better luck next time!
> 73, Ward N0AX

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