jpescatore at aol.com
jpescatore at aol.com
Mon Feb 15 05:54:52 EST 2021
There are some traditions in RTTY contesting that make sense, since in RTTY not as easy for pileups to work as well, harder (well, used to be) to decode more than one call at a time. Like sending the replying station's call before and after you send the 599 Exchange back to a number of stations replying, for example.
But the use of "DE..." and send the CQer's call in your response doesn't make much sense - I think a lot of that comes from the fact that the default RTTY .mc files that the N1MM Logger+ software will pull in includes those things.
I usually don't spend enough time in RTTY contests to have a strong feeling, but being iced in most of Saturday I endured more deedle deedling that I normally do and you could see most of the verbose exchangers were just using the default files. But not all! I never worked the PSE COPY guy, but did work many that sent my serial number back, greeted me by name, and/or had automated exchanges that were just slightly shortened brag tapes! Not qite to the "extension cord used hr is..." but close.
73 John K3TN
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