[CQ-Contest] Single Op Single Band Unlimited

Dennis Moore dennis at mail4life.net
Fri Feb 19 16:38:12 EST 2021

Here are all of the Single Op categories which have listed scores 
for2020 for both DX and W/VE:

Single Operator, High Power
Single Operator, Low Power
Single Operator, QRP
Single Operator Unlimited, High Power
Single Operator Unlimited, Low Power
Single Operator Unlimited, QRP
Single Operator, 160 Meters
Single Operator, 80 Meters
Single Operator, 40 Meters
Single Operator, 20 Meters
Single Operator, 15 Meters
Single Operator, 10 Meters

Just informational, not stating that it remains the same this year.

73, Dennis NJ6G

On 2/19/2021 07:04, N4ZR wrote:
> I was just reviewing the ARRL CW DX Contest rules through the ARRL 
> contest portal, and I'm confused.   The Full Rules say. under HF 
> Categories:
> "Single Operator and Single Operator Unlimited entrants in any power 
> category can also enter as All Band or Single Band".  This appears to 
> say that SOU and SO compete together in the SOSB category.
> However, the full rules say "3.2 Single Operator: All Band and Single 
> Band 3.3 Single Operator Unlimited: All Band."  This could be read 
> either way - that no distinction is made, or that Unlimited stations 
> may not compete in the Single Band category. Which is correct?

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