[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX RTTY contest coming up fast!

Chris Tate - N6WM ctate at ewnetinc.com
Sun Jan 31 15:16:26 EST 2021

Greetings to all our fellow RTTY contesters and prefix chasers!  In just 2 short weeks, the 2021 running of the CQ WPX RTTY will be upon us.
The CQ WPX RTTY Contest is right around the corner:
February 13 - 14, 2021
Starts: 0000 GMT Saturday
Ends: 2359 GMT Sunday
There are few changes that have been made, so I would like to point them out.  Please read the rules carefully, they are located at
New Operating Category: Multi-Distributed!
We have a new entry category, and we think it will be interesting and exciting.  It is called Multi-Transmitter Distributed.  First a disclaimer for hard core Multi-multi gang, fret not, this new category is a separate one.  Originally conceived to accommodate pandemic restrictions, this implementation if felt to be something that may stick beyond that.  With a maximum of five transmitted signals, one per band, and keeping these groups within the same DXCC entity and Zone, it opens new possibilities of fun, team contesting as well as use of stations that otherwise may not be on for the contest.  It encourages new strategies as far as communication and planning. Of course, all the traditional categories remain. If this is something that may interest you and some of your friends, check it out!
A call for plaque sponsorship: Help recognize contest excellence!
Plaques create interest in contests and recognize performance in various entry categories.  At the same time, sponsoring a plaque helps give something back to RTTY contesting.  Plaques are awarded to category winners ONLY if they are sponsored and that's where we need you.  Please visit the "Plaques & Sponsors" page ( https://cqwpxrtty.com/plaques.htm<https://www.cqwwrtty.com/plaques.htm> ) to see what plaques are now available for sponsorship.   A list of the plaque sponsors and the winners will be included in the results article.  Additionally, if you wish to sponsor a plaque that recognizes contest achievement in your call area or country, you can sponsor your own category.  The fee to sponsor a plaque is currently $65 and includes shipping to the winner. If you are willing to sponsor a CQWPX RTTY plaque, please contact Rich Cady, N1IXF, at plaques at cqwwrtty.com<mailto:plaques at cqwwrtty.com> .
Help us feature your efforts, triumphs, and challenges in CQ Magazine: Send photos and contest thoughts to the CQ WPX RTTY.
In a world where content is king, and with thousands of participants, we greatly appreciate when you share your stories, photos of your station and shack (and preferably with you in the photo!).  We are making efforts to make the contest results articles more interesting and engaging, but to do that, we need your help.  Please as you setup your stations, try to snap a few pics on your smartphone (higher resolution is preferred) and document your journey both preparing and then sitting in the chair! For now, please send this to N6WM at largeradio dot org.
Thanks, and we look forward to printing you in the contest.
Chris N6WM, Ed W0YK and Rich N1IXF and the CQ RTTY contest management team

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