[CQ-Contest] ARRL HQ Station 2021 - W1AW/KL7

wigi at kl0r.com wigi at kl0r.com
Tue Jun 15 16:41:34 EDT 2021

Hello everyone!


I wanted to announce that the ARRL Headquarters Station for IARU will be
W1AW/KL7. We will be on the air on all bands for the entire 24 hours of the


We are currently planning to have four station locations in Alaska,
including KL7RA in Kenai, KL2R in Fairbanks/Two Rivers, KL7AA in Anchorage,
and one more station, most likely in Homer.


We're honored to be selected as the HQ station for 2021. The North Pole
Contest Group has been W1AW one other time, in 2009. We have incredibly
large shoes to fill, and I hope we're up to the challenge.


One thing that is different this year (and not strictly contest related) is
that we will be operating as W1AW/KL7 for the period 00Z July 9th to 2359Z
July 13th. We will be on as many band/modes as possible, including EME.


The only loss is, No KL or Zone 1 mult. at least from us.


73! Work us 12 times!


Wigi, KL0R

Station Manager, North Pole Contest Group


Kenai, Alaska

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