[CQ-Contest] Archives

James Cain jamesdavidcain at gmail.com
Thu May 20 09:14:45 EDT 2021

Re the NAQP history discussion, in a perfect world ALL issues of the NCJ
would be archived on line for historians to access. There must be complete
sets out there.

When I was doing research for my book 20 years ago I was very fortunate to
be able to borrow complete sets (printed on paper) of several newsletters:
by Don Chesser, Gus Browning, Dick Spenceley, and Hugh Cassidy. To my
knowledge, none of these are on line. I returned all these collections to
their owners. Anybody having them now should think about archiving them.

Chesser, Browning, Spenceley, and Cassidy are all dead. I am speaking up
for them. All of them are members of the CQ DX Hall of Fame. So is my good
friend Chod Harris, who took over The DX Bulletin from me (and died at 50,
in 1999).

In 2010 I scanned all 325 issues of The DX Bulletin, the newsletter I wrote
and sold from 1979 to 1986. If somebody could help I'd be happy to make
them available on line. When my book ("YASME, The Danny Weil and Colvin
Radio Expeditions," 2003) went out of print last year, The Yasme Foundation
was kind enough to put the entire book on their web site. I am so glad to
be able to see that happen before I croak.

cain K1TN


There are some results missing from the various sources on the web. The NCJ
CD-ROM has the full results from the beginning until 1999.

The first NAQP’s were held in April 1986. At that time, it appears to have been
only an annual event.

First CW winner was N5RZ @ N5AU, and the first SSB winner was NP4Z.

K5LZO won multiop, both modes.

73, Ken N2ZN

>* On May 19, 2021, at 7:55 AM, James Cain <jamesdavidcain at gmail.com <jamesdavidcain at gmail.com>> wrote:*
>* The last ARRL CD Party was April 1982, an "open" party.*
>* I looked at the NCJ web site and they have NAQP results going back to 1999.*
>* Seventeen years is a long time. I was not active in contests in those days*
>* (but very active in DXing and writing on other amateur radio topics). So I*
>* "wasn't there" for the inception of the NAQP. But surely there are people*
>* who read this reflector who were there and could answer this question.*
>* My first ARRL CD Party was October 1963 and I operated them faithfully for*
>* nearly 20 years.*
>* cain K1TN*
>* Did the CD Parties continue up until 1991 when the NAQP's started, or was*
>* there a gap?*
>* Tim N3QE*

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