[CQ-Contest] Invitation to Participate in the 2021 Pennsylvania QSO Party

aa3b.bud at gmail.com aa3b.bud at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 17:53:29 EDT 2021

The 65th running of the Pennsylvania QSO Party is this weekend!


Activity Period: The Pennsylvania QSO Party (PAQP), which is known as the
Friendly QSO Party, runs October 9, 1600Z to October 10, 0400Z and then
resumes October 10, 1300Z to 2200Z.


Rules: The PAQP rules are provided at <
https://paqso.org/pa-qso-party-rules.html >.  In state participants will
send a serial number and their county; out of state participants should send
a serial number and their ARRL section or DX.  Stations may be worked once
per band and mode, and mobile or rover stations may be worked when they
change Pa counties.  Multipliers are Pa counties, ARRL sections and 1 DX
entity for Pa stations, and Pa counties for out of state participants.  QSOs
are worth one point on phone and two points on CW.


Bonus Station: We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Bonus Station is
W3RRR operated by the Red Rose Repeater Association from Lancaster County.
Each contact with W3RRR is worth 200 extra points.


Operating Plans and Aids:  Activity is anticipated from all 67 counties.  A
partial list of 2021 participants is provided at <
https://paqso.org/--party-plans-and-aids.html >.  Also available are: 


*	Tentative routes for in state mobile and rover operations
*	N1MM Logger+ Call History File
*	WriteLog Preload File
*	DXLog PAQP Script
*	Non-PA County to Section Lookup spreadsheet (used to identify ARRL
sections based on county outside of Pa)
*	PA QSO Party Spotting Page link <
http://cwfun.org/funspots/paqp/frames.html >


County and Section Abbreviations: Pa county and ARRL section abbreviations
are available at <  <https://paqso.org/pa-cntys-arrl-sects.html>
https://paqso.org/pa-cntys-arrl-sects.html >


Plaques and Certificates: A robust set of plaques and certificates are
available for in state and out of state participants and Clubs.  Please see
<  <https://paqso.org/awards-certificates.html>
https://paqso.org/awards-certificates.html > for details.


Additional Information:  Please go to <  <https://www.paqso.org/index.html>
https://www.paqso.org/index.html > for additional PAQP information including
past results and the log submittal process. 


We hope to see you in the PAQP this weekend!


Pa QSO Party Association

 <mailto:committee at paqso.org> committee at paqso.org 



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