[CQ-Contest] The CQ WW is This Weekend

James Cain jamesdavidcain at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 09:57:44 EDT 2021

"The late Larry LeKashman, W9IOP once said that before each DX contest he'd
go outside and sniff the air for DX."

("Bedrooms or Beverages?" -- QST, October 1994, page 53, by James D. Cain,

-- cain, K1TN

>Good Afternoon.

>I like what another guy told in this list, last week:
"I can smell it"…

>We spend the week before thinking about the
CQWW weekend and our friends around the globe.

>About new categories, CQWW will keep *for me*,
a kind of nostalgie, vintage atmosphere, making
me running with no-cluster, no help, no overlay
when possible, just CQing, logging, and having

>Congratulations to the Organization guys!!

>73 DX from Brasil. PY2NY.

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