[CQ-Contest] Single band rule WPX RTTY

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 13:42:03 EST 2022

Probably best directed to questions at cqwpxrtty.com - but:

You are required to submit a complete log with all contacts made on all
bands - so definitely log that 20m QSO. See rule XI-B. So you can make 20m

It is common practice in contests to ask people to QSY to a specific
frequency on another band. See for example NAQP for moving mults. As an
all-bander in WPX if I work a 3-pointer on 20 and I think I can work them
on 40, I will ask for a QSY and a 6-point contact; heck I'll also try to
move people between 40 and 80 for 6 points if I can. It's not self spotting
because it's not a broadcast, you're using ham radio to effect a QSO.

I don't see anything that says single banders can't also do this.

73 jeff wk6i

On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 10:24 AM wa1fcn <wa1fcn at charter.net> wrote:

> GM All
>          It has been a few years since I last read the rules so I
> decided to look them over.
>          Actually I read them a few times.  My memory is not what it
> once was so maybe
>          I remember wrong.  I could find no rule in regards to a Single
> Band operator
>          who is competing on say 40 meters yet goes to 20 meters and ask
> if an operator
>          there could QSY to 40.  I thought some years back that was
> against the rules.
>          Remember I am talking about Single Band operation, not all band
> operations.
>          Are we allowed to ask a 20 meter guy to QSY to 40 meters?  Yes
> I know it takes
>          time and how often would you want to do it but that is not my
> question.
>                  BoB WA1FCN
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/

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