[CQ-Contest] ARRL SS HMO records?

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 10:04:43 EST 2022

Has anyone ever compiled a list of ARRL SS Highly-Motivated-Operator (HMO)

My initial go through focused on Jim, K8MR. A search on the ARRL Score
database found that in 2006 SS CW, K8MR worked at four different stations:

2006 SS CW      N8TR    Single Operator, High Power     57,608
2006 SS CW      K8AZ    Single Operator, High Power     75,840
2006 SS CW      AC8E    Single Operator, High Power     61,124
2006 SS CW      K8MR    Single Operator, High Power     73,920

For a total of 268,492 points.

Tim N3QE

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