[CQ-Contest] Sliding Footswitches

Bob Grubic bobgrubic at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 18:25:23 EST 2022


I took a piece of plywood 10 x 13 inches, put some rubber feet under it,
and fixed a foot pedal on top next to a small piece of 2 x 4 inch wood.
Both the foot pedal and 2 x 4 are fixed on top of the wood so they don't
move. I rest my foot on the pedal (and the plywood so it doesn't move
around) and press on the pedal when I need to. The 2 x 4 helps me know
where my foot and the pedal are when I'm not actually pressing on the
pedal. When I operate portable, I have to take the whole thing with me, but
it works great. I'll send you a picture privately.  GL 73 Bob NC6Q

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:13 PM Scott Tuthill <k7zo.scott at gmail.com> wrote:

> I operated CQWW SSB at a QTH with tile floors in the operating room. As
> a result, the footswitch kept sliding around and frequently required a
> pause in my run to reposition it. I am sure others out there have faced
> this problem. What solutions have you come up with?
> Thanks. Scott/K7ZO
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