[CQ-Contest] Foot switch

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Fri Nov 11 09:38:06 EST 2022

While I find myself in disagreement with Bill on many topics outside HAM 
Radio :-) in this case I am 100% with him.
Though I keep some variety of them, I personally never used foot 
switches for the last 7-8 years in the Phone Contests. Properly adjusted 
VOX in your radio would do the job just fine, including amplifier PTT 

73, Yuri VE3DZ

On 11/10/2022 12:30 PM, Bill kollenbaum - K4XS via CQ-Contest wrote:
> Why worry about a foot switch unless you're doing MM etc.  The switch ties you down  and is just one more thing to worry about.  Much easier to VOX...been doing it for 45 years.
> Bill V31XX/K4XS
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