[CQ-Contest] Foot switch

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Nov 11 13:55:59 EST 2022

On 11/10/2022 9:30 AM, Bill kollenbaum - K4XS via CQ-Contest wrote:
> Why worry about a foot switch unless you're doing MM etc.  The switch ties you down  and is just one more thing to worry about.  Much easier to VOX...been doing it for 45 years.

YES. Has always worked great for me, with a CM500. The only time it 
breaks down for me is when the XYL runs through the shack to get laundry 
and lets the screen door slam. :)

The one time I tried to use a foot switch at a multi, I couldn't keep it 
under my foot, and it was a train wreck.

73, Jim K9YC

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