[CQ-Contest] Self Spotting in SS

Edward Sawyer EdwardS at advanced-conversion.com
Mon Nov 21 12:54:48 EST 2022

Actually John, (KK9A), those are old rules. As of June this year, the following applies.

New Rules in effect for all ARRL HF Contests in June

Starting with the ARRL International Digital Contest, in all categories that allow assistance (Unlimited), the use of online and other non-amateur radio platforms including but not limited to social media, live video streaming, and internet chat rooms will be allowed. In all Unlimited and Multioperator categories, the prohibition of self-spotting, and asking another station to spot you, will also be removed.

However, it would seem, if you merge 2 of the rules together, self spotting is now fine if you are Unlimited but saying what your section is as you self spot is still prohibited.

>From comments I have received, it seems that there were definitely self spots but that it was far from an overwhelming shift in SS SSB.  Very interesting to see.

I guess it is WAY more common in VHF contests. So it will be interesting to see what happens in ARRL 10M next month.

Ed  N1UR

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