[CQ-Contest] FTDX10 and FTDX101MP vs. FT1000MP

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Wed Nov 30 10:17:53 EST 2022

Bob please post a summary of your direct responses regarding the
FTDX10/FTDX101MP. At one time I was also owned a number of Yaesu FT1000MP

I am also wondering what transceiver contesters are buying now that the
Elecraft K3/K3S is a silent key.

John KK9A 

kq2m wrote:


I'm hearing very good things about these two new radios FTDX10 and 
FTDX101MP - I'm wondering what, if anything, you have heard and how they 
compare to the FT1000MP which I have used for the past 25 years?

I would especially appreciate hearing from long-time FT1000MP users who 
recently tested one or both radios.

Please reply off-reflector to kq2m at kq2m.com

Tnx & 73

Bob, KQ2M

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