[CQ-Contest] N1MM's Embrace of Self-Spotting

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Wed Nov 30 10:21:31 EST 2022

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 09:16:19PM -0500, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:

> Just because you *can* do something doesn't mean you should.  It
> makes me sad that the N1MM group, of which I was proud to be a
> member for almost 15 years, should have decided to be the ones to
> facilitate self-spotting.

First I would like to make clear that I think self-spotting or for
that matter having your friends spot you very often is not something
that I like or want in my contest. So far it is confined to the
assisted categories - I guess making them hyper-assisted now.  In the
grand scheme of things I guess it is not unlike RBN alerting on CW.
But unlike CW this form of self spotting is not allowed by unassited

I think it is wrong to complain to the software authors about a rule
change made by the contest sponsors.

If the rules allow staitons to call CQ on the internet - then why
would they not all start calling CQ on the internet at the same rate
they call CQ on the radio?

You need to complain to the ARRL for this rule change. 

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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