[CQ-Contest] Arizona QSO Party - Saturday! (October 8, 2022)

Bill Clark bill.clark.jr at outlook.com
Wed Oct 5 14:22:46 EDT 2022

Get ready for the exciting 2022 Arizona QSO Party!

A look back at the 2021 AZQP:
     Logs received:			     306
     Total QSOs:			              15,237
     New Contesters:			       21 
     Stations participating:		  3,929
     DXCC Entities participating:	                     55
     DX Stations participating:	                   127

2022 AZQP Update:
    1500z Oct 8 to 0500z Oct 9, 2022 (UTC)
    URL:  www.azqp.org
    Rule changes:
	Low power: <= 100 watts
	Modes: CW & SSB only
	Bands: HF only
    New Log Submission Web App

HAVE FUN in the Arizona QSO Party!

Bill Clark / K6WSC
Arizona QSO Party Chairman

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