[CQ-Contest] 6M CW

RT Clay rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 25 09:55:31 EDT 2022

Well, the west coast just had lousy conditions in the 2022 June VHF contest.  In the east 6m conditions were exceptionally good.

>From EM53 I had about 50% of 572 qsos on 6m on CW (analog-only category). I was only operating part-time  however and missed some of the peaks- if I was active the whole contest I would have had a lot more SSB qsos. K5TR worked 130CW/1003SSB = 13% CW on 6m, which is a more typical CW/SSB ratio.

So people still get on 6m CW/SSB during contests, at least if conditions are good. Around here that isn't true on higher bands- I found there was very little non-FT8 activity on 2m, despite some very good conditions on that band as well.

   On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 02:49:47 AM CDT, Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:  
 On 10/23/2022 2:37 PM, Mark, K5AM wrote:
> 2022 June 11-13 .. K5AM .. 131 CW QSOs  (SSB only 126, digital none)
> I hope Jim's remarks do not discourage anyone
> from tuning 50,080 to 50,100 during the
> next VHF contest.

This was the summary for 22 hours in June VHF by 4 ops at super-station 
N6RO running High Power. At least three are serious CW contesters, 
including N6RO himself. In the write-up, WD6T noted "CW contacts 
galore," with 12 CW QSOs, all on 6M. N6RO is about 90 miles NE of me.

  Band  Mode  QSOs    Pts  Grd  Pt/Q
    50  CW      11      11    5  1.0
    50  FM      1      1    0  1.0
    50  FT8    181    181  103  1.0
    50  USB    44      44  13  1.0
    144  FM      8      8    2  1.0
    144  FT8      4      4    0  1.0
    144  RTTY    2      2    0  1.0
    144  USB    33      33    9  1.0
    222  USB      8      16    6  2.0
    420  FM      2      4    0  2.0
    420  USB    27      54  11  2.0
  1240  USB    15      45    6  3.0
  Total  Both  336    403  155  1.2

73, K9YC
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