[CQ-Contest] 6M CW

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Oct 25 13:35:28 EDT 2022

On 10/25/2022 6:55 AM, RT Clay wrote:
> Well, the west coast just had lousy conditions in the 2022 June VHF contest.  In the east 6m conditions were exceptionally good.

Hi Tor,

Recently gained understandings about how E-skip conditions relate to 
turbulence in the upper atmosphere, combined with near real time 
monitoring and display of propagation and the day to day experience of 
6M operators are showing that E-skip statistically is much more 
prevalent over some paths than others. Parts of the eastern US 
experiences multiple strong multi-hop openings to EU centered around the 
summer solstice, but openings from NorCal to the eastern US, especially 
the NE US, are far less prevalent. Those with experience studying 
meteorological charts have speculated that what happens in the upper 
atmosphere is strongly affected by topography of western mountain 
ranges. And remember, for multi-hop E-skip, multiple reflecting layers 
have to line up in just the right place for any given path longer than 
about 1500 miles. From my QTH near San Francisco, that happens a lot 
more often to the SE than to the NE.

What I'm getting to here is that it appears to be a chronic condition, 
not just a bad day. My observations are based on the pursuit of the FFMA 
award for working all grids in the lower 48 on 6M, and it's where I 
spend my summers. I'm not there for a couple of contest weekends. :)

73, Jim K9YC

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