[CQ-Contest] QST -- the half hour NS (NCCC Sprint) RTTY contest is this Thursday evening in North America (non-NA also welcome to join)

Ed Radlo eddrad at aol.com
Tue Oct 25 13:58:55 EDT 2022


To all RTTY ops:  

This is a reminder thatonce again, the Northern California Contest Club is pleased to present ourregular weekly half hour RTTY Sprint, aka the NS RTTY,this Thursday evening (North America time).

Last week, in addition to our many regulars, newcomers KF9VV and KD7GHZ (I like that suffix) joined us, and N7VS rejoined us.  Welcome!  And K3MM is becoming a regular, providing for a spirited competition between him and N3QE for Maryland honors.

For those of you who arenew to our weekly NS RTTY’s, we use a variation of the NCJ’s Sprint QSY rule –1 KHz QSY’s rather than 5 KHz – and allow duplicate contacts after oneintervening contact.  If you need a full explanation of these specialrules, send me an e-mail, and I’ll give you all the details, e.g., a precisedefinition of our QSY rule. 

For those of you usingthe popular N1MM+ logger, the contest module to use is NSRTTYDUPE.  A goodset of example function keys is in the N1MM+ website's function key gallery,and available for free download. 

After the contest,please remember to submit your scores to www.3830scores.com.  It’s easy –on 3830, the name of this contest is “NCCC RTTY Sprint”.  Reportingyour score, whether it be big or small, helps build enthusiasm for this event.That in turn increases participation for future editions, which benefits all ofus. 

Remember to try 15meters at the beginning of this Thursday night's contest – 15 has usually beenopen at 0145Z lately, at least for some locations.

The details of ournext NS RTTY: 

Friday,  28 October 2022 UTC, 0145Z to 0215Z (Thursday, 27 October 2022 in North America)

-- 1845 to 1915 PDT

-- 2145 to 2215 EDT

-- (others in between those two timeintervals)

-- 160 meters:  Try 1804, 1805, or1806 during the last two minutes

-- 80/40/20/15 meters:  mostly +83kHz to +89 kHz up from the lower band edge

-- Same band dupes are allowed forcredit after one intervening QSO

-- 1 kHz QSY rule, otherwisestandard NCJ Sprint QSY rules

-- Multipliers are counted anew on each band,so if 4 bands are open, you’ll get a lot of mults!

-- 100W output power limit

Please visit https://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules and links to otherinfo. If you find any problems with the Web pages, please let me know so we canget them fixed. 

If you would like toreceive all the latest info about NS (both CW and RTTY), as well as a have a vehiclefor expressing your comments and questions, sign up for the NS mailinglist:  https://groups.io/g/nccc-blue. 

Contestonlinescore.com has a slot set up for us if you’d like to make sure yourlogger is talking to the world.  Select “NCCC NA RTTY Sprint”. 

Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz (+/- a fewdepending upon who else is on) for comments and questions. 


Ed Radlo  AJ6V











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