[CQ-Contest] 6M CW

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Oct 26 10:47:05 EDT 2022

On 25/10/2022 19:14, David Gilbert AB7E wrote:


> Calling FT8 an "existential threat to ham radio" is ludicrous no 
> matter how much you or I may dislike it.  Anything that encourages 
> lots of activity like FT8 does is exactly the opposite.

Dave is right, insofar as anything that hams care to transmit, or cause 
to be transmitted, on the ham bands may be described as ham radio, and 
insofar as "lots of activity", regardless of how it's generated, is 
inherently good in itself.

All the same, your computer talking to my computer over ham-band RF 
leaves me cold.  And, yes, that includes RTTY.

Paul EI5DI

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