[CQ-Contest] 6M CW

David Gilbert ab7echo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 17:14:30 EDT 2022

Every modern rig has computer processing in it that digitizes both the 
incoming and outgoing signals for filtering, waveshaping, AGC, and other 
functions.  That doesn't have anything to do with WSJT-X, but the only 
difference is the mathematics applied to the signal processing.  I can 
guarantee that no matter what rig Paul is using his rig does what I 
said.  I never said that it did WSJT-X.

However, there is nothing that would prevent any manufacturer from 
implementing a subset of WSJT-X like FT8 within the rig ... just as 
several rigs can already handle PSK-31.

Dave   AB7E

On 10/27/2022 10:41 AM, Peter Voelpel wrote:
> Where did you find the info what equipment Paul is using?
> I never heard about a rig you describe.
> If it exists WSJT software would not be required.
> 73
> Peter, DJ7WW
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces+dj7ww=t-online.de at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> David Gilbert
> You know that your rig is a full fledged computer running all sorts of
> DSP signal enhancement software for all modes, including CW and SSB,
> right?  The incoming (and outgoing) signals are digitally sliced and
> diced beyond all recognition, processed mathematically, then reassembled
> to look like the analog signals you want to hear.

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