[CQ-Contest] Whither CQ WW?

Pete Smith N4ZR pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 11:23:58 EDT 2022

OK, I'll bite.  I briefly operated CQWW SSB remotely at a friend's 
station yesterday, and was appalled by the small number of spots being 
generated.  Take a look at DXSummit for W3LPL, who appears to be multi-2 
this year.  Up until 15 minutes ago, since they went to 15 and 10 at 
1200Z, where you can assume they are running constantly, I count only 16 
spots (in 3+ hours).

What is really sad is that somewhere around half the QSOs in CQWW are 
made using N1MM Logger+, which has a one-check Config menu option to 
"spot all S&P QSOs."  It costs you nothing, in effort or anything else, 
to enable this option, and has no effect on your Unassisted status if 
you turn it on.

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
web server at<https://reversebeacon.net>.
For spots, please use your favorite
"retail" DX cluster.

On 10/30/2022 9:08 AM, James Cain wrote:
> In the run-up to this weekend's CQ WW DX Phone contest, there was not a
> single post on this reflector about it. NOT ONE. Not an operating question,
> nor a rules or technical question.
> cain K1TN
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