[CQ-Contest] Whither CQ WW

Lee Hiers lee.hiers at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 10:35:04 EDT 2022

The same here...I ended up with about 400 Qs playing around.  First SSB
I've done in forever.  100' doublet at 45' and 500 watts.

I ran assisted, and basically just went from spot to spot with the arrow
keys in N1MM.  I rarely touched the big knob.

Occasionally I did tune by a good station that had not been spotted, so I
spotted those.  I really would prefer people *don't* automatically spot
everything.  It adds to the traffic, and displays a *lot* of busted spots -
typos or mis-copies, I don't know which...but there were a lot of them.

Anyway, it looks like my tower and antennas won't be up before ARRL-DX,

73 de Lee, AA4GA

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 9:22 AM K3TN via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> I made 375 Qs, more than I've made in the SSB test in  many years.
> Activity was very high - you can see it in the scores reported in the first
> hour after the contest ended.
> There was plenty of spotting compared to every other phone contests. I
> don't think anyone has any obligation to turn spotting on.
> I'd answer Whither CQ WW with "up up and away" by all signs.
> 73 John K3TN
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